1. Books. There are plenty of books that can help you to raise your self-esteem. Read a self-esteem self-help book or simply pick a book that makes you feel good about yourself. The book doesn’t necessarily have to be about the topic self-esteem in order to raise your self-esteem. Choose books that are positive and inspiring.
2. Home study programs. To benefit from the guidance of an expert at the same time as you have the comfortability and freedom of working on your self-esteem wherever and whenever you want, you can choose a self-esteem home study program.
3. Courses. If you want to raise your self-esteem with expert guidance and together with other people, taking a self-esteem course can be a great option. Raising your self-esteem in this way is very fun and you can build many new friendships. Check whether there are any courses going on in your local area or take a distance course.
4. Group coaching. Another option for the social person who want to build self-esteem together with an expert as well as other participants, is group coaching. Group coaching led by a self-esteem coach can have the same power as personal coaching at the same time as providing social support from several people rather than just one (the coach).
5. Personal coaching. Personal coaching is your option if you are really serious and want to develop self-esteem NOW. A self-esteem coach can help you to find your strengths and to point out what you need to work on. A self-esteem coach can ask you the questions that you need in order to find the answers and the motivation that you need.
6. Self-awareness exercises. By developing your self-awareness you will raise your self-esteem as well. Meditation is great if you want to develop self-awareness. You can also try yoga or some kind of martial arts. By practising any of these you will probably raise your self-esteem without even noticing.
7. Films. Films can pull your self-esteem down and they can lift your self-esteem up. If you choose films that are positive, inspiring and make you feel good you can use them as a self-esteem tool.
8. Music. Just like with films, music can be both good and bad for your self-esteem. As long as you listen to songs with positive lyrics, cheerful songs or relaxing songs, they will help you to build self-esteem. Songs with positive lyrics are especially good because they brainwash you with positive messages about yourself.
9. Friends. Surrounding yourself by positive, supportive and loving people will help you to build self-esteem. If you already know such people you should spend even more time with them. If you don’t have enough such people in your life you can find them by joining groups of such high self-esteem people. You will probably be able to find some club or society in your local area. Otherwise you can easily join an online community. There are for example plenty of positive groups of people who are interested in happiness, self-esteem and personal development on Facebook.
10. Diary. Writing in a diary is like having a conversation with yourself. Is there any better way to get to know yourself?! If you keep a diary you will realize the good things about you and also all the non-useful negative thoughts that you have. It will make it easier for you to see what parts of yourself that you want to keep and what parts that you want to develop.
Liv Miyagawa – The Self-Esteem Coach
Self-Esteem Coach, Liv Miyagawa, helps adults who want high self-esteem. Apart from through personal self-esteem coaching, Liv Miyagawa can help you to raise your self-esteem through group coaching, self-esteem distance courses, home study materials and other self-esteem resources. She is also the author of The Self-Esteem Toolbox, a book full of self-esteem exercises to boost your self-esteem. Raise your self-esteem with Liv
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4654444
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