1. Books. There are plenty of books that can help you to raise your self-esteem. Read a self-esteem self-help book or simply pick a book that makes you feel good about yourself. The book doesn’t necessarily have to be about the topic self-esteem in order to raise your self-esteem. Choose books that are positive and […]
Self Esteem
Demystifying F-E-A-R While Harvesting Creative Thoughts
Many years ago someone pointed out to me that fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.). Whatever the mind can perceive, it will conceive. So, whatever you think is real, shall become real to you. This is a fundamental truth of human conditioning. I personally had suffered a lot of nervous situations […]
27 Daily Affirmations to Boost Self-Esteem and Develop Self-Confidence
If you look at any of your problem areas in your life, you’ll probably find they are rooted in faulty and limited beliefs, embedded deeply in our subconscious mind. Because they are in the subconscious mind, often you are not aware that they are the source of your thoughts and actions. These negative and dis-empowering […]
3 Ways to Amplify Your Self-Esteem Through Gratitude
“Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes suddenly.” Tony Robbins Low self-esteem can be tricky in that it makes you feel like everything is wrong in the world, namely yourself. Unmet expectations can lead you to believe that your life is one rain cloud after another. However this couldn’t be further from the […]